

January 2012

Law Society’s PRO BONO AWARD CEREMONY ON 02 Dec 2011...

Our partners, Ms. Amanda Liu, Ms. Brenda Lee, Mr. Philip Wong, Mr. Walter Lee, Ms. Annie Wong and Mr. Edroy Chau, have each been awarded the Pro Bono Individual Award by The Law Society of Hong Kong. The Award Ceremony was held on 02 December 2011....

October 2011

MTR HONG KONG Race Walking 2011 ...

Our firm took part in the Corporate Team Walk of 'MTR HONG KONG Race Walking 2011' on 10 April 2011 (Sunday). The event was organised by MTR Corporation Limited to raise fund for the Hospital Authority Health Info World. We raised a total of...

October 2011

Seminar on “Cross-border Financing for SMEs” (中小企業跨境融資) (27 May 2011) ...

On 27 May 2011, Mr. Philip Wong, partner of our Banking Department, gave a seminar on “Cross-border Financing for SMEs’” (中小企業跨境融資) to members of Standard Chartered Bank (SCB), there were over 80 SCB members registered and...