

Please refer to the pages of "Our Practices". If you have solid experience in any of our practice areas, please apply with full resume to our Management Committee, at 5/F Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong or by e-mail: All applications will be treated in strict confidence.


People are the key to our success. We expect trainee solicitors to make valuable contributions to the firm in the years to come. Our application for traineeship 2025 opens from 1 May 2024 to 31 July 2024. If you sent your application prior to 1 May 2024, please send it again within the above period. We normally conduct written test and interview in June and July respectively (the "Relevant Months"). Please follow the guideline below:

1. Send your application by email to our Management Committee (email address: Please mark "Trainee Solicitors - 2025 intake" in the subject matter of the email. Application in hard copy is not accepted.

2. Include in your application the following:

2.1. A signed covering letter in PDF format;

2.2. Your curriculum vitae in Word format (PDF format is not accepted);

2.3. Scanned copy of all available school transcripts or certificates.

3. Please include the following information in your curriculum vitae, in the following order:

3.1. Full name in English and Chinese;

3.2. Email, telephone number, correspondence address, any unavailable period during the Relevant Months (please note that the firm's accommodation to your schedule is discretionary);

3.3. Names of all universities attended; names of programmes / degrees; examination results (including both GPA and the grade of each subject);

3.4. Names of all secondary and primary schools attended;

3.5. Full results of relevant public examinations (eg IB, GCE, GCSE, IGCSE, IAL, SAT, ACT, AP, DSE);

3.6. Extracurricular activities;

3.7. Work experience;

3.8. Other information.

4. Photograph is optional. If you wish to include one, please put it at the top right hand corner of the first page of the Word file. Do not send a separate jpg file.


For any inquiry of our secretarial & clerical vacancies, please contact our Office Manager or apply with full resume to our Office Manager at 5/F Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong, or by e-mail : All applications will be treated in strict confidence.