March 2018
Mr. Colin A. Walker, Director of Fairfield and Woods, the Meritas member firm in USA, visited our firm on 5 March 2018. He was greeted by our Managing Partner, Ms. Brenda Lee and the head of our Commercial Department, Mr. Philip Wong.
Fairfield and Woods is one of the oldest law firms in Denver, USA. Our firm is glad to explore opportunities for collaboration with Fairfield and Woods.
Currently, Meritas has more than 7,500 lawyers in over 180 member firms located in 87 countries to provide legal services. Our firm is the only Meritas member firm in Hong Kong. For more information about Meritas, please see:
(From left to right) Mr. Philip Wong (Head of Commercial Department of our Firm), Mr. Colin A. Walker (Director of Fairfield and Woods), Ms. Brenda Lee (Managing Partner of our Firm)
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